We got the chance to get Barbara Schreihans, Your Tax Coach, on the podcast to share a little bit about how your 1099 sales people can plan out their taxes!
Barbara Schreihans see herself as having two main missions in life:
1) Successfully figuring out how to recreate Starbucks’ salted sweet cream cold foam cold brew at home
​2) Save business owners like you THOUSANDS of dollars every single year on your tax returns while also relieving your tax-related stress and anxiety by giving you the jargon-free, cliff-notes version of your tax situation.
Before she started Your Tax Coach, Barbara worked at all different kinds of accountancy firms: HUGE global ones, regional ones, local ones. And, no matter their scale or size or client roster, they all had two things in common: (1) they sucked at customer service; and (2) they never came up with tax ideas or strategies for their clients. We got a chance on BGST to get a quick and condensed snack on what Barbara and Your Tax Coach can provide!
Connect with Barbara:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yourtaxcoach/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/your_tax_coach
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/yourtaxcoach
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/your-tax-coach/