Building Great Sales Teams

BGST Live Q&A Vol. 1 w/ Paul Childers, Rage Chambers, Gerritt Bake and Clint Riggin

Episode Summary

In this episode of Building Great Sales Teams, Doug put on a live Q&A session where we have a few awesome guests, Clint Riggin, Rage Chambers,

Episode Notes

Join us for an insightful Q&A session with three accomplished guests: Paul Childers, owner of a business credit coaching/lending business; Rage Chambers, Office Manager at Clae Solutions and owner of Wolfpack Marketing; and Gerritt Bake, founder of the American Contractor Network and owner of American Contractor Homes. Our discussion covers topics ranging from building business credit to mastering sales and scaling contracting businesses. Learn from their experiences, including Paul's journey from using vendors to establishing his own brand, Rage's success in recruiting, and Gerritt's impressive milestone of helping 15 contractors cross the 7-figure mark this year.