Building Great Sales Teams

Drewbie Wilson: The #MemeLord 2.0; Utilizing Memes and Other Tools To Disrupt the Monotony of the Sales Process

Episode Summary

On the 50th Episode of Building Great Sales Teams, we have the return of the Meme Lord himself: Drewbie Wilson! He gives us a deep dive into how memes can create recurring revenue.

Episode Notes

Drewbie Wilson, the Meme Lord, gives us a deep dive into memes and how to use them, as well as how he's created the systems to keep the clients rolling. 

Drewbie Wilson loves to be out of his comfort zone. He has always loved it. Whether he was making big investments or creating software or crazy adventures with his family, he has always wanted to live his life to the fullest. 

For Drewbie, discovering his strengths took time. But once he let go of fear, he realized that there was no limit.

Drewbie has surrounded himself with people that he admires, people that inspire, people that have something to teach, and from whom he can learn. Learning a new way of doing things is a challenge, but with the right set of skills and abilities, anything and everything is possible. 

Key Points:

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