Building Great Sales Teams

Ely Delaney: Start Conversations and Meet Cool People

Episode Summary

In this episode of 'Building Great Sales Teams,' Doug emphasizes the importance of follow-up in the sales process and introduces Ely Delaney, an automated system specialist. Ely shares his expertise in creating effective follow-up systems that help convert clients into loyal fans. The conversation covers the misconception that sales is all about pitching, highlighting instead the value of building relationships and consistently adding value. They discuss practical strategies such as varying the timing and content of follow-up messages, using automation to manage tasks, and mixing automated emails with personal touches to enhance client connections. Ely also shares success stories to illustrate the long-term benefits of a robust follow-up system.

Episode Notes

In this episode of 'Building Great Sales Teams,' Doug emphasizes the importance of follow-up in the sales process and introduces Ely Delaney, an automated system specialist. Ely shares his expertise in creating effective follow-up systems that help convert clients into loyal fans. The conversation covers the misconception that sales is all about pitching, highlighting instead the value of building relationships and consistently adding value. They discuss practical strategies such as varying the timing and content of follow-up messages, using automation to manage tasks, and mixing automated emails with personal touches to enhance client connections. Ely also shares success stories to illustrate the long-term benefits of a robust follow-up system.


You can connect with Ely Delaney on:


