Building Great Sales Teams

#Gratitude For My Influencers: Influencers You Should Be Following!

Episode Summary

In this episode of Building Great Sales Teams, Doug shares his gratitude for all the influencers in his life. These are some great people to follow. Enjoy!

Episode Notes

Doug shares some of the influencers that helped shape the man he is today. If you're looking to level up your life and business these are the people you want to be following:

Episode Transcription

00:00:47:18 - 00:01:08:19

Speaker 1

All right, guys. Hope you're doing well. I'm excited about this episode that's going to come out the day after Christmas. And today I just woke up with an immense amount of gratitude for everything that has transpired in the last year. And I wanted to give you guys, as always, a tactical tool to be able to use in 2023.


00:01:09:02 - 00:01:39:08

Speaker 1

And so when you look at a lot of my content, a lot of the information that I'm putting out there, a lot of times I'm giving credit to the originators of that info and the people that are executing at a high level and whatever I'm talking about. And so on this episode, I want to basically walk you through why I'm grateful for these people and give you a little toolkit on who to follow and why to follow them and the benefits you can get from following them.


00:01:39:19 - 00:02:04:03

Speaker 1

So this is the Gratitude episode. Influencer Toolkit Influencers who have impacted me and you should be following. So I got to start this off the right way because I honestly probably would not know any of these people that I'm about to go through if I did not start following Ryan Stewart. And so Ryan Stewart is the first influencer on our list here.


00:02:04:20 - 00:02:26:06

Speaker 1

He is the originator of building your machine. So everything you've been seeing me do over the past year has come from the course on the back end of a program called Apex, which is a mastermind. And then building your machine is a course that you get access to. And it's a very simple concept about, well, it's not simple, it's complicated.


00:02:26:14 - 00:03:00:09

Speaker 1

But you build this machine that basically generates leads and influence and makes you an authority in your space. Right. And so I want to give credit to that 100%. That's Ryan Stillman's brainchild, and he developed that. He also introduced me to consulting offhandedly. And so because I was in Apex Executives, I was surrounded by people that had built their machine, created this authority, and now we're being paid, you know, hundreds, even thousands of dollars an hour to consult for other companies.


00:03:01:12 - 00:03:28:19

Speaker 1

And that kind of introduced me to it. And then I went on the PGA trip, which is a story you guys may have heard. If you've listened to this podcast for a while, we're on a trip with him. He was doing a one day, $100,000 consulting for this amazing company in Jersey, and he invited me to do a sales training during that consulting, and that's when I kind of got my feet under me and I knew I belonged in this space.


00:03:29:01 - 00:03:50:01

Speaker 1

And so I started attacking it after that. So one of the other reasons that you should follow Ryan is, you know, when you look at influencers, everybody likes picking art. They like to find the one thing that they say and they like to say things like, well, money's not important to me. Family is, you know what I mean?


00:03:50:12 - 00:04:11:09

Speaker 1

But Ryan is one of those people that all of those things are important to him. You know, all the all the clichés and crap you want to say. He that's really not the case with him. And so he just came out with a book. It's called The Example. And there couldn't have been a better book for this guy because that is constantly what he's doing.


00:04:11:09 - 00:04:28:16

Speaker 1

Does he make mistakes? Absolutely. Is he an asshole? Sometimes. Hell, yes. You know what I mean? But he's somebody that is open and honest about it and forthright about it. You know what I mean? And that's what I respect. You guys know I appreciate integrity. And so that's why he's a good example for me. Am I going to follow everything he does?


00:04:28:16 - 00:05:00:25

Speaker 1

No. But there are some core principles that he has in place that I will follow to a tee, you know, and that's a lot of the things he's doing as an individual and as a husband, as a father, as a business owner, as a leader, and as an influencer. I will 100% follow that. And the last reason is he invokes a lot of thought when you when you follow him and you look at the things that he's posting or you're a part of Apex and you join his impromptu calls, invokes a lot of thought about you know, how you can attack certain things in your life that you want.


00:05:00:26 - 00:05:19:28

Speaker 1

And one of the most recent ones was he just bought a 400 acre ranch in Oklahoma. And it has been a dream of mine for a long time to own a 100 plus acre ranch and to eventually build a home out there and manage it. And it become part of the asset piece of the digital legacy that I'm building.


00:05:21:07 - 00:05:44:10

Speaker 1

And once he posted that, I was like, man, you know, what is stopping me from just going in and looking up some ranches around the vine where I live. And sure enough, when I did that, there was several hundred acre ranches within a mile proximity to the home that I have now. And so that that kind of put something in motion, you know, I mean, this what this is what this is the perfect example of influence.


00:05:45:15 - 00:06:10:15

Speaker 1

So because he posted about that and he talked about that on one of his prompted calls and how he seller financed it, it inspired me to hey, let let me actually create a tangible, tangible idea of this and look it up. So I did there's a 340 acre ranch a half mile from my home, and it is perfectly laid out for what I want and I'm going to build my future home on there.


00:06:10:15 - 00:06:26:06

Speaker 1

Should I buy? You know what I mean? And I'm going to do everything I can this year to buy that ranch. And even if that ranch sells in the next year or they take it off the market, obviously I'll be set up to buy one. That's right next to it, actually catty corner. There's several of them in my area waiting for me to buy.


00:06:26:16 - 00:06:52:18

Speaker 1

So I'm very excited about that. And so Ryan Stone is obviously someone that you should follow. And chances are, if you're listening to this podcast, you already do. All right. The next one is his right hand man, Drew B Wilson. Right. Drew Wilson is the vice president of Break Free Academy and he is the top seller for Apex Breakthrough Academy Phone sites, all that good stuff.


00:06:52:18 - 00:07:33:08

Speaker 1

He made his name in phone sites and then he really cemented his name when he started putting out his mean content. So dude's got some of the best minds in the game and he's got a course also, his course on Means is super affordable and it will change to change your game in terms of sales. You know, just just the one meme he always talks about has made him millions in sales and it's the guy poking his head out from behind the lockers saying, you good and all it is is following up with the prospect that's kind of gone cold and making them smile, laugh a little bit, and then they reengage or they pay


00:07:33:08 - 00:07:57:09

Speaker 1

the invoice that you sent them. Whatever the case is, is also incredible. That follow up, he gets paid 20 $500 an hour to do follow up training for companies all across the nation. And it's because his follow up game is so strong, he doesn't really have an impulse sales game. He's not a hardcore closer. He's not he's not the guy that's going to try and close you in one phone call, you know what I mean?


00:07:57:09 - 00:08:20:01

Speaker 1

And I've been taught my whole life direct sales, which is you show up, you pitch the prospect, you close them, you go home. You know what I mean? And so he introduced me to the follow up game, the mean game. And then more importantly than all that, he's an amazing friend. He was there for my wedding. He was there for late night, early morning conversations in Cabo.


00:08:20:08 - 00:08:44:14

Speaker 1

We were there for that Cabo mastermind. And he made sure that I ran my marathon this past weekend by running his own and completing his own marathon for the first time. So it was a pact that we made together on doing that. And so that's why I think you should follow Derby. And again, chances are you're listening to this podcast.


00:08:44:14 - 00:09:10:04

Speaker 1

You are ready to follow him. And so now we're going to get into some people that maybe you're not following yet, as well as a ton of honorable mentions that on a tactical level you should be following. So Trevor Kelley and Cale Goodman, they are the owners of the RBA Real Business Owners podcast and this is a top five top ten podcast in business, I believe.


00:09:10:19 - 00:09:40:22

Speaker 1

And they have just blown up over the last couple of years with their podcast because it is exactly what the title says. It's a real business owners podcast. That means like you're a real business owner, you have employees, you have payroll, you have, you know, accounting. To do like this is isn't a solopreneur podcast something that real business owners are dealing with, you know, and so from that they have created their RPO mastermind, which I'm also a part of.


00:09:41:11 - 00:10:06:26

Speaker 1

And so let me just start with Trevor, right? Trevor is one of the you know, you know how everybody says, I just love helping people. I have a passion for helping people, you know, and you hear it so much that it kind of lost its its its weight when people say it. Right. But, Trevor, what I've learned from him and seen from him over the past year, dude is on fire to help people.


00:10:07:06 - 00:10:36:18

Speaker 1

He's on fire to unlock your mind in terms of what's possible is a big reason that I was able to finish my marathon that I ran this past weekend. And if you if you listen to the Real Business Owner podcast, he has a gift is an amazing gift. And if you listen to the episode where we had him and Carl on, I convict him as much as I can to get on more stages because he's being selfish with his gift, because he doesn't like traveling, he doesn't like leaving his house.


00:10:36:18 - 00:10:59:09

Speaker 1

You know what I mean? He's an amazing business owner, an amazing influence on a lot of people, but he belongs on stages. He needs to share that gift. I truly believe he could be a I let Eric Thomas type speaker if you put him on stage. So Kale Goodman Cale Goodman is the ultimate networking machine, so much that he wrote the book on it.


00:11:00:03 - 00:11:26:23

Speaker 1

He's responsible for a lot of the business that easier accounting brings in because of his networking relationships and his ability to create synergy between two companies and then get referrals to his accounting firm. It's an amazing what these two have built over the past five years, and they wrote the game on Referral Partners. So if you guys listen to my referral partner up.


00:11:26:23 - 00:11:50:24

Speaker 1

So a lot of what I'm saying in there is influenced by them. And is it practical things that you can do to build your referral partner game? So they are two amazing individuals to follow. And I can tell you guys firsthand experience in our RPO Mastermind, it doesn't matter if you're doing 20 grand a year or 20 million, they they treat you and pour into you just the same.


00:11:51:18 - 00:12:20:19

Speaker 1

Just the same. So there are two amazing people to follow. So the next person I would talk about is John Haley. And so John Haley is coined as the marketing. Savage Right. And that's how everybody knows him. He does websites, he does marketing, you know what I mean? But when I really got to know John Haley, I realized, man, this, this, this man has so much more in store for us and has been preaching it over the last six months or so.


00:12:21:03 - 00:12:46:28

Speaker 1

He's a philosopher. You know, that's the best way I can explain. If you get a chance, go listen to my episode with him. He's an amazing philosopher and he's mentored by some amazing people and he's able to take some very high level information, very biblical information, some very ancient information, and translate it to our ears today. Right. He's very good at that.


00:12:47:06 - 00:13:13:21

Speaker 1

And one of the ways that he impacted me so much is he understands, you know, while competition to a certain degree is healthy, it's not necessary. Right. When you really think about gratitude and where it comes from and you really think about what we've accomplished as humans because God created us, you know, he talks about that. We pulled the cars out of mountains, you know what I mean?


00:13:13:21 - 00:13:37:20

Speaker 1

So when you really think about the impact of that, when you think about the impact of what we created as the human race, why are we not just waking up every day? Incredible. Grateful for just being, you know, being one of a trillion that could have been, you know, saying, yeah, we were chosen and we woke up again today, you know, And so follow John Haley.


00:13:37:20 - 00:14:02:27

Speaker 1

I mean, obviously marketing is his game, but, you know, I know in the future he's going to be impacting millions with his philosophies on life, on God and how we can integrate him into our lives. So the next person I want to talk about is my good friend Mike. Claudio. So Mike, Claudio isn't for everybody. He's very in your face.


00:14:02:27 - 00:14:32:21

Speaker 1

He's very tactical. There's no woo woo in this guy. You know, I'm saying, you know, he he talks a lot about mindset, but it's from a, you know, no excuses type attitude. He's got his big stud podcast. That's that's been a huge influence on me. I listen to it weekly and he's done a really amazing job of building win rate consulting, which is his coaching company I'm sorry win rate coaching, which is coaching company.


00:14:32:21 - 00:14:54:28

Speaker 1

He's got like ten coaches now is blown this thing up and he is a massive, massive influencer in the construction industry. So if you're in construction and you're not listening to him, you are missing out, missing out. So you've got to check that out. One of the things I love about my Claudio and Trubee Wilson, for that matter, is their insane discipline.


00:14:55:21 - 00:15:15:12

Speaker 1

They're two of the most disciplined motherfuckers I know. Just bottom line, there's no way around it. Every day I'm trying to be more disciplined like. Like these guys are. So Mike's one of those. And so my Mike's true gifts, and he'll tell you all the time. I'm very good at coaching people one on one. And he is. He's incredible.


00:15:15:22 - 00:15:36:04

Speaker 1

You know, I've hired my to speak to my my company before as well as I've I've hired him one on one. And and then I've I've been fortunate to be around him and Apex executives to be around him at different events and just been able to have one on one conversations with him. And there isn't a moment he isn't delivering value.


00:15:36:04 - 00:15:58:08

Speaker 1

What he's so incredible at is extracting what you really need to hear from the conversation versus giving you this playbook or giving you, Hey, this is how you do this. He through that conversation, he's able to extract what you really need to hear. And so he's incredible at that. So check out my check out win rate consulting and you won't be disappointed.


00:15:59:03 - 00:16:35:09

Speaker 1

Okay. So the last person that I want to kind of highlight today at a big level is Kurt letting go. So Kurt is not your typical influencer that posts a lot on social media. I mean, he he does post regularly, but when it comes to the value that Kurt brings, he's not posting as much on social media, which means that if you were in the Texas area or if you were at a lot of these events or conventions or masterminds and you have an opportunity to hear him speak, you need to show up.


00:16:36:00 - 00:17:00:11

Speaker 1

You need to show up to hear him speak. He was he spoke at MGM last year. He spoke at one of our Apex Live events, and he spoke on something that I aligned with so much, which was culture. Right. And then the way that he developed his culture within his company, which just recently he was able to to what is it called?


00:17:01:13 - 00:17:26:22

Speaker 1

He was able to not sell his company, but he became part of a publicly traded company. You got acquired. Right. And so the culture he has built is insane over linear roofing and linear solar. And so when I heard him speak, it was like my playbook for culture. But it was the to point out the 3.0, the 4.0, you know, I'm saying.


00:17:26:22 - 00:17:51:13

Speaker 1

So he is very much someone I look up to and influenced by and that you should be following 100%, especially if you need to increase the quality of your company's culture. All right. And so the rest of these guys, I'm going to try and run through as quickly as I can. I know you're seeing you're hearing this episode during the holidays and you probably want something shorter and quicker than you used to.


00:17:51:28 - 00:18:21:00

Speaker 1

And so let's walk through these real quick. So Brody, Brody Fawcett, he was a guest on my podcast as well. He does real estate investing. He came from the solar industry. He was incredible there. And then he has built out a real estate education company as well. And his content is just fantastic, very family oriented. It's got beautiful kids, beautiful wife, and is living this amazing life on his terms.


00:18:21:00 - 00:18:56:09

Speaker 1

And he's a great person to follow. Earl Paul He's another one. He's got his mindset, gratitude, mindset company. First of all, their gear is amazing. Earl is a a huge person in the solar industry, but he's mainly boasting about having the gratitude mindset and tactical ways that you can execute on that. So he's incredible. Steve Weatherford He was the Giants kicker that had the Super Bowl winning kick, and he was also voted the fittest man in the NFL.


00:18:57:16 - 00:19:19:19

Speaker 1

And he is a incredible influence here when it comes to being a God fearing man. And so I love following him. I love seeing his posts and he's just such a character is incredibly entertaining to watch. You can get if you can get motivation, if you can get conviction and entertainment all from one person. And that's pretty amazing.


00:19:19:19 - 00:19:44:13

Speaker 1

I've heard him speak as well. He's an amazing speaker. Joshua Steinberg. He's actually in Apex Executives with me. And, you know, seeing his social media and what he's done with it over the past six months has been amazing. And there is not a video that is an incredibly packed of impactful, impactful, sorry, tactical. And he just has a lot of real world experience.


00:19:44:13 - 00:20:15:01

Speaker 1

He's not talking about things that he doesn't know about. You know, he's incredibly smart, dude. And he learns so quick and applies it immediately. And so that's why I think he should be following him. Jake. Yes. If you're in solar, you know who this guy is, and he still has one of our most downloaded episodes and he has really blown up the solar industry and educated others on how to sell solar the right way because the industry was in a rough shape for a long time.


00:20:15:01 - 00:20:42:04

Speaker 1

And he has done his part in cleaning it up. He's also one of the founders of Solar Con and the Solar Solar Academy, which is a solar education academy that you can join online as an individual solar group or as a company. And so check him out. His one of his partners in Solar Con is Solar Joe. So Joe is awesome, dude.


00:20:42:09 - 00:21:06:05

Speaker 1

First of all, he's another one of those entertaining characters and he's always bringing you value, especially if you're in the solar industry. He's letting you know what's going on with that industry and is incredibly experienced in the industry, one of the best closers ever in solar. And then going back over to the apex side of things, successor. So if you get a chance, listen to the episode I had with Zach.


00:21:06:22 - 00:21:33:22

Speaker 1

You know, when it comes to being young and, you know, wanting to be influenced by the right people, Zach Zach hit it on the nail. You know, he works for Ryan Newman. He's a salesperson over at Breakthrough Academy, one of the best he's hit records over there. And the things that he's doing in his life at 23 years old, I'm still trying to get together in mine at 36, you know, same.


00:21:33:22 - 00:21:52:26

Speaker 1

So he's a huge influence for me and somebody that you should follow if you want to be inspired. And if you have kids that are teenagers and college age, they need to be following this guy since profile over to him because he is doing everything right. Does he make mistakes? Yes. And then he posts about them and there's something to learn from him.


00:21:52:26 - 00:22:29:13

Speaker 1

And that's what I like about it, too. Alex Selenski. So Alex has his own mastermind for digital marketing agencies, but the content he's putting out is just amazing, is inspirational, and it's incredibly tactical as well. So if you're in marketing and you're not following Alex, then you're missing out big time after that we got Michael Bernoff So I've only known about Michael for about two weeks now, but that just goes to show how incredible his talk was that he did for the RPO mastermind group.


00:22:29:25 - 00:22:52:17

Speaker 1

If you see me post or heard me talk about the impact of I'm Proud of you versus you should be proud of yourself, that came from him. And it is amazing reframe of the conversations that we have with our kids and with our prospects on a daily basis. So you guys check that out and follow. Michael is a NLP expert.


00:22:53:05 - 00:22:57:08

Speaker 1

He's a coach and he's an amazing, amazing speaker.


00:22:59:09 - 00:23:26:06

Speaker 1

All right. Next is my man Chris is a dude. This guy, again, entertaining all the content that he's posting on fitness is incredibly educational. And how do I say this accurate? He's not posting bullshit, you know what I mean? And and for us guys out there that are real guys, you know what I mean? And we like to eat pizza and we like to have an energy drink, you know what I mean?


00:23:26:06 - 00:23:47:00

Speaker 1

Like he he accepts that it's part of his programs. You know, I'm saying to where, hey, we're not going to try and go crazy on this certain diet or whatever the case is. Like, we're going to incorporate it into your lifestyle. This is going to become a lifestyle for you. Move forward. And yet all his stuff is just a lot of fun.


00:23:47:00 - 00:24:12:27

Speaker 1

It is hilarious. And how could you not get lost in those baby blues? Let's be honest here. All right. So changing gears here a little bit to my my favorite good old boy, Sammy Knight. Sammy Knight. You know, his his influence is so much more amazing in person. If you get the chance to have a conversation with this man, you're going to be impacted and you're going to remember that conversation.


00:24:12:27 - 00:24:39:14

Speaker 1

I love introducing people to Sammy because he just goes right to their heart immediately and is able to to speak over them and to them in such a way that empowers them. So definitely for Sammy, his Sammy isms are a lot of fun too. So check those out. The next one is Danny Joseph. And so, oh, I'm sorry.


00:24:39:14 - 00:25:06:26

Speaker 1

Steve Gambling. So, so Steve Gambling has motivational firewood is his company's a speaker author. And what I love about him is his tactical process for vision boarding. It's not your, you know, basic vision boarding that you've always heard about. He has a way of speaking to your company and helping them create those targets and those goals and use vision boarding as a tool to do that.


00:25:07:12 - 00:25:34:25

Speaker 1

But he's got so much more to offer when it comes to speaking to your company. He did an amazing job speaking to ours as well. All right. Next we've got let's see here. Who do we got next? My notes are a little different. Donny Joseph, the frickin six figure. Barber. Right. So I met Donny in the RBA mastermind, and he's just been an amazing friend.


00:25:35:08 - 00:25:59:25

Speaker 1

You know, somebody that I can call and talk to about my kids challenges I'm having with them. And he does the same with me. He's been a really good friend, but he's putting out some amazing content right now that has to do with mindset. And then yeah, if you're a barber you absolutely need to follow him. Or in the barber industry after that, we've got Josh Payne.


00:26:00:16 - 00:26:27:15

Speaker 1

So I met Josh in the Real Mastermind as well. He's putting out some amazing content right now. His more than podcast is tearing it up. He's incredibly tactical and practical and no bullshit type influencer and you're going to learn a lot. So he's got several, several or several different businesses. But one of the most prolific ones, I would say, is his two minute and truck franchises.


00:26:27:15 - 00:26:57:26

Speaker 1

I, I think he's up to like 11 or 12 of those bad boys now. And so he is actually about what he's talking about. He's not just making this stuff up. It's not theory. He practices it every day. See, we got next Zach Roy Williams. So I met Zach, or I should say I had a conversation with Zach on the way to Cabo, and he's just one of those guys that just kind of lights up a room.


00:26:58:06 - 00:27:23:25

Speaker 1

He's the life of the party, and it's no surprise that he's a promoter and a marketer. One of the best marketers in the game, you know what I mean? When people have an investment, when they have coaching, consulting, home services, you know what I mean? They go to Zach and he handles their marketing campaigns as well as he just launched his coaching program as well.


00:27:23:25 - 00:27:54:16

Speaker 1

So check him out on that. Jacob All right. Entertaining. Okay. You ever you ever meet those people and you're like, man, like, you're you're funny on an intellectual level, you know, saying like, the way he breaks down things is just hilarious as well as he's always. He's always putting just fire stuff out there. And, you know, one of the things he recently posted, if you think women are the weaker sex, try and put covers back to your side of the bed.


00:27:54:28 - 00:28:13:05

Speaker 1

I mean, that's just the kind of stuff that that he posts. But, you know, he's got a ton of different businesses and he goes live all the time on Facebook and answers answers your questions and stuff like that. And it's advice that you should be paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for. But he's just giving it for free on Facebook.


00:28:13:05 - 00:28:41:07

Speaker 1

So check him out. Let's see who else we got here. We got Keith Goss. All right. So Keith Keith, guys, is one of those tactical guys that is going to help you arrange your entities, set up your tax structure. But he looks like he's about to frickin run through a brick wall and pull out two machine guns, the environment the same time, like he's a Rambo looking motherfucker, ex-military, You know what I mean?


00:28:41:07 - 00:29:12:06

Speaker 1

Like six foot 20? I don't know, but, I mean, behind that badass exterior is an incredibly intelligent businessman. That much like all of us, just got his start very humbly. And he was doing how what was it called? Party? The the blow up party stuff, the the bounce houses. And he tore that up for a couple of years and sold that business for seven figures.


00:29:12:10 - 00:29:33:07

Speaker 1

You know what I mean? And exited it and since then he's been doing all kinds of stuff, but he has talent consulting and so reach out to them if you need to understand how to structure your entities. So I think we're nearing the end here. BENNETT Maxwell. Bennett Maxwell was one of my first, I want to say, 20 guests on the podcast.


00:29:33:27 - 00:30:03:25

Speaker 1

Incredibly impactful guest walks us through how to structure your solo company, sell it. And since then he has launched Sturdy Dog Cookies Franchise sold hundreds of franchises and been sued by Crumble and made a marketing campaign out of crumble, suing him. And so if you get a chance, check that out. He's been doing podcasts like crazy and always has amazing things to say and looks amazing.


00:30:03:25 - 00:30:27:16

Speaker 1

By the way, when I met him, he was a bigger dude and he has trimmed down so much. So I'm sure he's got a lot to say on that as well. And so the stuff he's putting out is is really great right now though. So last but not least. So a lot of my top six that I mention are actually mentored by this guy, Keith Craft.


00:30:28:06 - 00:30:56:23

Speaker 1

He is the pastor and founder of Oh man, I'm going to forget the name of his church, but he's got a church in Frisco. And Ryan Stockman is actually a mentor by his craft. John Hailey is mentored by him. And then I believe there's one more person on my list that is mentored by him. But a lot of the people that we know and love go to his church.


00:30:58:00 - 00:31:24:24

Speaker 1

And, you know, obviously he's a man of God, but he he has a way of mixing God in business that really speaks to me, you know what I mean? And he came and spoke to us at the couples event for Apex Executives and gave me and my wife a lot of amazing strategies for having a successful marriage. And so a lot of his content is around God, is around marriage, is around business, you know what I mean?


00:31:25:05 - 00:31:58:15

Speaker 1

And so I love what he is all about and you guys should follow him as well. So that's the influencer tool kit. Hopefully this episode was short and you know, it's funny that a 31 minute episode is short for me, but I want you to take you guys through these people that have influenced me and that have been a big part of my life over the past year and that have been a huge reason for my success in consulting and in speaking and a lot of the concepts that I am preaching to you guys.


00:31:58:15 - 00:32:09:28

Speaker 1

I learned from them and practice today. So I appreciate you guys. Hopefully you had a wonderful Christmas and we'll see you on Wednesday for our next episode. As usual, let's get building.