Building Great Sales Teams

Joe Graham: From Food Stamps to President's Circle, A Journey of Sales Success

Episode Summary

Join Joe Graham, top seller for a Fortune 100 company, sales coach, and host of the 150K podcast, on the "Building Great Sales Teams" podcast as he shares his 18 years of expertise in sales and leadership. From going from broke and on food stamps to making multiple six figures in the B2B space, Joe's remarkable milestones provide context to his success.

Episode Notes

Joe Graham is a highly accomplished sales professional, sales coach, and podcast host. With a wealth of experience and expertise in the sales and leadership arena, Joe has made a significant impact throughout his 18-year career.

Joe's journey is marked by remarkable milestones that demonstrate his resilience and success. Starting from a difficult financial situation, he went from being broke and relying on food stamps to achieving multiple six-figure earnings in the B2B space. Notably, Joe has been the winner of the President's Circle for four consecutive years within a Fortune 100 company. He has worked across multiple industries, both B2C and B2B, and has a wealth of experience to draw upon.

In addition to his professional achievements, Joe cherishes his personal life. He has been married to the love of his life for 22 years and is a proud father of three amazing children. Joe approaches sales with a relationship-first approach, focusing on solving customer problems and providing value.

As a podcast host, Joe covers a wide range of topics and is open to discussing sales, life, business, family, or any other subject of interest. Listeners can connect with Joe on Instagram and Threads at @JoeGrahamReal or listen to the 150K podcast on all major podcast platforms.