Building Great Sales Teams
#ThePlaybook 6: Doug Gives Out A Practical Guide To Running Your Sales Meetings
Episode Summary
Doug Gives us the playbook on running sales meetings.
Episode Notes
Your training room
- colors that pop
- Whiteboards
- Artwork
- Murals
- Chairs vs tables
- TV
- No wires!!!
- Utility table/ping pong/gaming
Kick off
- mission statement and core values!
- Around the room, good news
- Company news and updates
- Numbers and competitions
Product Knowledge
- visuals
- Pricing grids
- Tools
- Use outside resources
- Pre printed notes
Sales training
- Teach inside the structure
- 3’s, 5’s, 7s and 10s
- Focus on pieces, not whole.
- Role Play, pitch battle, firing squad, 1 v 1
- If he dies, he dies. Make sure you let them die. Take notes. Then coach.
- Math game!
Have fun
- ball game 2 balls
- Biggest fan
- Mafia
- Ghetto jeopardy
Throwdown Thursdays
Meeting cadence
Depends on position