Building Great Sales Teams

Scott Rammage: Leveraging Virtual Professionals

Episode Summary

In this engaging episode of Building Great Sales Teams, we delve into a compelling topic - 'Working Within Your Zone of Genius and the Power of Outsourcing.' Scott's insights shed light on the art of harnessing individual strengths and the transformative potential of outsourcing.

Episode Notes

Step into the world of Scott Rammage, a visionary entrepreneur steering the ship of 'Media Machine Virtual Assistants,' 'Brotherhood of Fatherhood,' and 'Buffalo Collective Mastermind.' With a forte in leveraging virtual professionals to propel businesses forward, Scott's expertise is a force to reckon with.

Scott's journey is punctuated by noteworthy milestones, including orchestrating his business operations through a virtual team. He's also been instrumental in curating impactful men's events, among many other accomplishments.

In this engaging episode, we delve into a compelling topic - 'Working Within Your Zone of Genius and the Power of Outsourcing.' Scott's insights shed light on the art of harnessing individual strengths and the transformative potential of outsourcing.

To connect with Scott and tap into his wealth of knowledge, reach out on Facebook and Instagram @scottrammage. To explore possibilities with Media Machine Virtual Assistants, schedule a sales call with Scott via