Building Great Sales Teams

Travis Wells: #OvercomingLimitations - Journey to Health and Empowerment

Episode Summary

In this episode of Building Great Sales Teams, we are joined by Travis Wells. Travis works in oil and gas, has 60+ doors in real estate and is a vegan bodybuilder. Come learn what he's done to maintain and grow muscle while remaining on a plant-based diet as well as the development lessons he's learned in business along the way. Enjoy!

Episode Notes

In 2008, Travis experienced a life-altering accident during a home renovation. The accident left him with a newfound appreciation for his health and a focus on fitness. He adapted his workout routines to overcome physical limitations and achieved his fitness goals. In 2017, he adopted a vegan diet and lifestyle, improving his overall energy and mental clarity.

Travis found a passion for ninja warrior training and competed in his first bodybuilding competition in 2021. He recognizes the power of community and aims to bring together a like-minded vegan fitness community through his program, MoVment.

Travis's journey serves as an inspiration to many, showcasing the power of resilience, determination, and the positive impact of a healthy lifestyle on well-being. He encourages others to find what works best for them in their fitness journey and embrace it as a source of empowerment and personal growth.